Andrew Drake, former senior executive of the National Security Agency (NSA) was vigorously prosecuted by the Federal Government for becoming a whistleblower and exposing the immense amount of illegal, unconstitutional activities being performed by the same NSA.
He believes the US Federal Government’s end goal is the establishment of a complete surveillance state, and that much of that has already been achieved. As he noted “most people aren’t even aware to the extent to which we are already surveilled”.
“This raises the spectre of soft tyranny, the spectre that people are automatically suspicious until proven otherwise…persistant universal wiretaps”.
My hope is that the masses will see someone like Andrew Drake and begin to discard their mistaken dismissal as ‘conspiracy theory’, those concerns related to the USA becoming a tyrannical police state. Or those individuals which dismiss these invasions of our rights and privacy because “I have nothing to hide”.
As Drake noted when asked why he became a whistleblower “You can’t put a price on freedom.”
And on a slighly lighter note, Shooter McGavin explains the joys of drones keeping US citizens and the world safe