This Week in Government Immorality

This time, the Pentagon and Department of Defense intentionally try to hide, stall, and kill an investigation which showed that up to 5200 of their employees had purchased child pornography.  Why did they not investigate?  Because the agency that pays $12,384 for a toilet seat simply “didn’t have enough resources to continue the investigation”.


Here, an off-duty cop tries to shoot and kill transgender prostitutes which refused to pick him up.  Bad enough, but our system of “justice” determines that 14 months is more than enough time served for attempted murder.

A D.C. police officer is going on probation after being sentenced Thursday to the 14 months behind bars he already served for shooting at a car full of transgender prostitutes who refused to pick him up.

Kenneth Furr, 48, was found guilty in October of several charges, including assault with intent to kill while armed.

D.C. Superior Court Judge Russell Canan sentenced Furr to five years in prison and 30 days for solicitation of prostitution, and suspended all but 14 months of that time on the condition that Furr successfully complete three years of supervised probation…

How do you think this judge would’ve sentenced one of us mere civilians if we committed the same crime?

If you aren’t pissed off yet, you aren’t paying attention!

1 Comment

  1. p.s. The Surveillance State calls up victims’ emlpeyors and ask them to do something to make the victims’ lives more difficult (criticize your work, sabotage your work, start arguments) and they suggest that these stalkers are patriots by doing so. Sadly, the losers that they contact to do their dirty work evidently are only too happy to get official permission to indulge their? pent-up resentment and aggression. The NWO has many methods and degrees of torture and genocide.

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