Keynesians Strike Gold – – er, Platinum
Paul Krugman and the other Keynesian idiots have endorsed an idea that even my 5 year old daughter would look at with a stink-eye — they want the government to coin a single $1 Trillion […]
Paul Krugman and the other Keynesian idiots have endorsed an idea that even my 5 year old daughter would look at with a stink-eye — they want the government to coin a single $1 Trillion […]
Looking for some videos to expand your understanding of the philosophy of liberty? Or maybe you are debating a family member or friend and want that one great video to have them watch and consider? […]
A brief video with suggestions if you are considering efforts to video tape police activity.
In far too many cases, yes, they certainly act like it. And sometimes admit it too Thanks to CopWatch and Photographyisnotacrime
You can listen to Lew Rockwell debate the subject with three state worshippers and get his points as to why it is a basic human right. Here are a few discussion scenarios for your consideration (some from the […]
You know the theft has to be pretty egregious for ABC news to call it out Not So Safe Deposit Boxes States Seize Citizens’ Property to Balance Their Budgets ABC News As you’ll hear repeatedly […]
for speaking the truth about Abraham Lincoln. My time served in the government camps taught me that Lincoln was the great emancipator. He was a hero that fought for the righteous ideals of abolishing slavery and keeping the […]
Of course, ultra-statist Joe Klein is speaking about 4 year old children often in close proximity to the suspected bad guys we unilaterally assassinate via predator drone bombs in foreign countries. It is near the […]
Boy, 10, tasered by police for failing to do what he was told after refusing to clean officer’s car at careers day 10-year-old hit allegedly hit with 50,000 volt weapon by Officer Chris Webb Read […]
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