
Tax the Rich!

Take every “excess” penny they have!  Yep, that will solve our problems…at least until we need to do it again the following year.  The government is a parasite.  And like any good parasite, it must […]


Tim Tebow – true story

An inspiring story regardless of your views on the subject of abortion, or even your opinion on Tim’s ability to be a good pro quarterback. Heisman Trophy Winner Could Have Been a Victim of […]


Police Abuse – an expanding list

One aspect of American society that many people seem to forget is that our government officials can legally exercise only rights/powers which any individual could exercise as well.  The powers of the government are those posessed […]


What is a libertarian?

A libertarian will answer “Yes” to the following 4 questions: Do you own both yourself and also any justly acquired property? Is it wrong to initiate aggression? I.e. it is only permittable to use defensive force […]


Mitt Romney the flip flopper

Good brief video highlighting the numerous times which Mitt Romney’s has changed his position on key topics.  Do Romney supporters really have core beliefs, or are they simply opposed to Barack Obama and/or the Democratic […]