
Greatest Libertarian Movies

Time to amp up your weekend movie activity with some of the greatest libertarian movies of all time.  These movies emphasize freedom, the individual, voluntary cooperation in society, and a healthy dislike for the government – – and […]


John Galt 2012

I offer up what I consider a fantastic, updated peer to the John Galt speech (much shorter though!).  Written by someone who is expatriating Why I’m Leaving America Posted July 20th, 2012 by MF […]


Surveillance State is already here

Andrew Drake, former senior executive of the National Security Agency (NSA) was vigorously prosecuted by the Federal Government for becoming a whistleblower and exposing the immense amount of illegal, unconstitutional activities being performed by the […]


Fun Tests – Reading and Typing Speeds

I’m running low to mid 60s Think You’re a Fast Reader? Take the Speed Reading Test To See if You Can Beat the National Average of 300 Words Per Minute ttp:// And here…I may […]


Secondhand smoke is not dangerous?

Be ready to put on your shocked face…but the government (EPA, Surgeon General) hasn’t exactly been telling the full truth when it comes to the dangers of secondhand smoke. Most people whole-heartedly belive that secondhand […]


This week in government immorality

A Slate article about how the federal government intentionally poisoned and killed 10,000 Americans. Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials had decided to try a […]


Imagine no government…

Let’s start by imagining a hypothetical government… Imagine a government which claims the right to assassinate citizens without due process or presenting evidence. Imagine a government that forces people to violate their religious faith (tax funded […]