
Random Humor
Taking a cue from the immortal LegionofWoo, let’s have some fun captioning random pics. Beat my captions by adding a comment

Guilty Pleasure Songs – Top 20
Since the specie man can not live on politics alone, I like to change pace once in a while with completely unrelated topics. This post was inspired by a recent blog by a friend who runs […]

Random Humor
or commentary on the legal system? Funny either way – – Chinese man sues his wife for being ugly, and the court AGREES… awarding him £75,000 Jian Feng was confused after his wife gave birth […]

Clean Joke of the Week 4
A blonde walks into the vet with her goldfish in its bowl, and asks him to check out the goldfish. “I think he’s got epilepsy” she says. The vet looks at the goldfish, and says “it […]

What Would President Ron Paul Do?
Some folks I talk to question whether Ron Paul as President could change anything…well, I hope this puts that debate to rest! [sung to the tune of “What would Brian Boitano do?”] What would President […]

Pee Wee Herman: Libertarian Hero
Once your outlook on just about everything in life is colored by a specific vantage point, I figure it’s good to at least have some fun with it. Approximately once a year, my 3 daughters and […]

Clean joke of the week #3
A polar bear walks into a bar, sits down. Bartender comes over and asks “What’ll you have?” Polar bear says “Vodka………………..and Tonic”. Bartender says “Why the big paws” A brunette, redhead and blonde are […]

Ron Paul: the Chuck Norris of Politicians
A few of my favorites The linked website here