Reason #38 why Ron Paul will not support Romney
To the interested observer, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are friendly. Rick Santorum went as far as to accuse the two of them of teaming up against him and the other Republican candidates. Mitt has […]
To the interested observer, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are friendly. Rick Santorum went as far as to accuse the two of them of teaming up against him and the other Republican candidates. Mitt has […]
Some folks I talk to question whether Ron Paul as President could change anything…well, I hope this puts that debate to rest! [sung to the tune of “What would Brian Boitano do?”] What would President […]
A few of my favorites The linked website here
Ann Coulter to Conservatives: The s**t sandwich known as Romney actually tastes good. Besides being a horrible human being which suggested we should intentionally kill innocent men, women, and children (all muslim of course), Ann Coulter […]
“Soul” is the one word answer according to this great video about why more and more people are supporting Ron Paul. The link to the article referenced at the end
Good brief video highlighting the numerous times which Mitt Romney’s has changed his position on key topics. Do Romney supporters really have core beliefs, or are they simply opposed to Barack Obama and/or the Democratic […]
Just in case you needed a few more… Below is a video of Newt Gingrich repeatedly praising FDR as “the greatest president of the 20th century”. Yes, that’s correct, the man trying to present himself […]
Some of us may remember the old Sesame Street game with four boxes showing three kids which are essentially the same, and one which is “doing his own thing”. In this election, this seems like a […]
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