The Federal Reserve is the entity which gives counterfeiting rights and guaranteed profits to the richest of the rich, while at the same enabling the Federal Government leviathan and its corresponding welfare and warfare states. You might be a Fed-hater if
- you believe corporate bailouts are immoral and a massive transfer of wealth from main street to Wall Street
- you believe in the value and justice of the free markets in all matters – – including money
- you believe most wars are unjustified, and very often equivalent to mass murder
- you believe the Federal Government spends too much money, has taken too much power, and is a clear and present danger to our freedom and prosperity
An entertaining cartoon video which begins to highlight the supreme institution of evil (dog stealing and otherwise) in today’s society – – the central bank; known in the USA as the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve should not be confused with the StoneCutters, which: controls the English Crown, keeps the metric system down, keeps Atlantis off the maps, the martians under wraps, holds back the electric car,…and rigs every Oscar night.