Imagine no government…

Let’s start by imagining a hypothetical government…

  • Imagine a government which claims the right to assassinate citizens without due process or presenting evidence.
  • Imagine a government that forces people to violate their religious faith (tax funded planned parenthood; contraception required in health insurance to name a few); or conversely, to violate their non-faith (e.g. government tax money to religious charitable organizations)
  • Imagine a government which routinely conducts illegal, undeclared wars which very often result in the deaths of innocent foreign civilians,…all of which with little resistance from the Christian right or anti-war left liberals
  • Imagine a government that forces people to purchase a specific product (health insurance).
  • Imagine a government which actively undermines contract laws.
  • Imagine a government whose police force routinely commits crimes against citizens; crimes which are often covered up, not prosecuted or provided the smallest of punishment.
  • Imagine a government which says it can detain citizens indefinitely based upon an unproven suspicion of terrorism (NDAA)
  • Imagine a government which has the highest % of citizens in jail of any civilized country
  • Imagine a government which puts people in jail for actions which violate no one else’s rights (e.g. criminalized drug posession/use)
  • Imagine a government which intentionally poisoned and killed 10,000 of its own citizens in an attempt to keep them from drinking bootleg alcohol
  • Imagine a government which claims the right to steal money from those who have earned it justly, in order to redistribute to those which did not earn it.
  • Imagine a government which believes it is proper to force people from their homes in order to gain additional tax revenue from other private entities (i.e. Kelo)
  • Imagine a government that takes from the poor in order to give to the rich (bank bailouts, auto bailouts, corporate bailouts, agriculture subsidies…etc)
  • Imagine a government which has the audacity to claim they are protecting the dying person as they prevent them from accessing potential life saving drugs which haven’t yet been “FDA approved”
  • Imagine a government which claims an almost boundless ability to take/control our land
  • Imagine a government which steals from our children, grandchildren through deficit spending, and steals from all of us (particularly from our parents/grandparents on fixed income) through the insidious tax of inflation

Thankfully, those of us in the USA still live in the land of the free and don’t need to imagine or worry about these types of government abuse! (some future Zuckerberg needs to invent sarcasm font)

Imagining a society without government is easy if you try.

The above is written with no apologies to John Lennon (communist idiot)

To clarify, a state monopoloy on the legal use of force is what should be eradicated, while individuals peacefully adhere and govern themselves according to natural law, natural rights (anarcho-capitalism).  For those with a bit less imagination and a bit more pragmatism; a constitutionally limited government with the sole purpose of protecting our individual, natural rights would suffice as well.


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