This poses serious concerns to those on the religious right, who see this as a new and dangerous attack on religious and economic freedom. While I would agree this is a serious attack on freedom, is it so new?
Isn’t it an attack on our freedom that the government has to give us permits/licenses before opening a business in the first place?
Isn’t it an attack on our freedom that the government has told us who we must serve in our businesses?
- Example – related portions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; Rand Paul and many libertarians object on the legal/principle, even if we disagree with the often immoral prejudices themselves.
Isn’t it an attack on our freedom that the government has told us what kinds of products we must sell – – even if they may violate our and many of our customer’s sense of morality?
Isn’t it an attack on our freedom that the government taxes and distributes to organizations whose activity and objectives we may find morally reprehensible?
Of course, the solution to stopping these attacks on our freedom is to get the government out of the business of business now…and out of operation entirely in the hopefully near future.
Wow, nicely done! You’ve taken a very sensitive subject and made it much easier to see this POV. Thanks for clarifying this POV and making it possible for me to score 99% libertarian on the world’s funnest survey!