Take the Long Survey Please select your current political affiliation *Choose OneLibertarianDemocratRepublicanCentristStatistOtherWhat type of speech or media do you believe the government should control? *Only the most offensive which has no redeeming social value whatsoever (e.g. extreme forms of racism)Essentially none. Even the most offensive speech should be allowed, and media content should be determined by the marketplaceAs much as appropriate per common societal standards of decency for adults (e.g. limits on pornography; no flag burning)Essentially no or very little limit on speech, but the government should intervene to ensure all sides are adequately represented in mediaWhen do you think the military draft is appropriate? *Never. If the cause and/or pay level is just, enough people will volunteerOnly when the nation is responding defensively against an imminent/active military attackWhen voluntary recruitment has slowed and the current force size is unable to meet our military commitmentsOnly when the nation is in a crisis and/or state of war (preemptive or defensive)As needed, but with all citizens required to fulfill a mandatory term of service in the military (e.g. 2 year term)Which statement best reflects your position regarding illegal drugs? *Keep the laws mostly as they stand todayLegalize only some of the less dangerous ones (e.g. marijuana) but tax it heavier than regular products (like is done with alcohol)Legalize them all, and tax no different than a regular productLegalize them all, but tax them heavilyAs it relates to same sex couples and marriage, the government should… *Neither allow or disallow, rather the government should not be dictating marriage terms (hetero or homo) as this is a private religious and/or contractual matter. Recognize civil unions without discrimination on sexual orientationAllow civil unions and basic marital related benefits (e.g. estate matters)Allow full and equal marriage as defined today for heterosexual couplesDo not allow gay marriage or civil unions; marriage is between a man and woman onlyAssisted suicide… *Should be legal and a decision left entirely to the discretion of the individualShould only be legal if the person has an approved reason (e.g. a painful, permanent condition with no hope for recovery)Should never be legalWhich statement best reflects your opinion of laws restricting cigarette smoking in public or commercial areas? *Additional laws are needed to restrict and/or eliminate smoking in more areasCurrent laws mandating separate areas for smoking are appropriate; no more laws needed at this timeRepeal any/all laws. The decision to allow or not allow smoking should be left up entirely to the business owner and their customersWhich statement best reflects your position regarding prostitution? *Keep the laws as they stand today (keep illegal), actively enforceMake it completely legalLegalize it in certain designated areas, but regulate and tax it heavilyKeep the laws as they stand today (keep illegal), passively/minimally enforceWhich statement best reflects your view of immigration? *We must control illegal immigration by providing more resources and enforcement (e.g. more border patrol; build a fence across our Mexico border); no amnesty for current illegalsWe need to find a way to limit legal and illegal immigration, and also a compassionate way to resolve those currently living here illegally (e.g. path to citizenship)We should encourage more immigration as long as the workers comply with minimum wage and tax laws to better protect current citizen’s jobs; gov’t assistance available to the truly needy illegalsWe can reduce illegal immigration by making legal immigration much easier. Permit any and all peaceful persons to enter and work — as long as the welfare system is not an option for themSeat belt and helmet laws… *Are appropriate and necessary to save lives, and should be actively enforcedAre not appropriate. Utilizing both are good ideas, but individuals should be able to decide for themselvesAre appropriate and necessary to save lives, but should be passively enforcedWhich statement best reflects your view of the ideal approach to foreign/military policy? *Our government should continue to conduct (and potentially expand) operations around the globe to preserve our interests and assist our alliesWe should scale back some of our forces in other regions/countries where we are not needed as muchWe should withdraw all our forces from all allied countries and current war zones where our national security is not clearly and significantly threatenedWhich statement best reflects your view on verbal/public prayer in public schools? *Voluntary, student initiated prayer in school can sometimes be appropriateAny verbal/public prayer — including voluntary, student initiated — should be prevented in school as it violates the principle of separation of church and state. Private (non-verbal) prayer is OKThe school staff can initiate and promote prayer as long as it remains voluntaryPublic schooling should be converted to private institutions, and then we allow each school to determine their own prayer policyWhich statement best reflects your view on guns and gun laws? *Guns are a menace to society and should be banned from the public entirelyGuns are a fundamental right and critical to our ability to protect ourselves. Most gun laws should be repealedGuns should be allowed in rare instances, but with much stronger regulation on whom can own a gun, and what type of guns are allowedGuns are a fundamental right and critical to our ability to protect ourselves. However, some regulation is necessary and current laws are appropriateHate crime legislation is…(example: laws that punish a racially motivated assault more severely than a regular assault) *A positive development towards the goal of a more tolerant, equal society. There may be certain areas to consider expanding the lawMostly positive towards achieving tolerance and equality, but no more laws are needed at this timeContrary to both the constitution and the goal of a more tolerant, equal society. Punish the crime, not the thought. All hate crime laws should be repealedWhich statement best reflects your opinion of government and personal civil liberties (e.g. surveillance and/or detention of citizens)? *Loosen restrictions on government. The government shouldn’t have to jump through excessive legal hoopsKeep restrictions on government the same as today. Some believe the world is more dangerous, but we must make sure not to allow government abuse of innocent citizensEnhance restrictions on government as it is already utilizing excessive and/or unconstitutional law enforcement powersWhich statement best reflects your opinion of abortion law? *It should remain Federally legal in every state, at any point until birth, and for any reasonIt should remain Federally legal in every state, but not allow late term (3rd trimester) except to save the mother’s life or other serious medical reasonThe decision on legality should be left to the states. Taxes should not be utilized to promote or administer abortion in any wayIt should become Federally illegal in every state except to save the life of the motherIt should remain Federally legal in every state if related to rape, incest or saving the mother’s life. State restrictions can be implemented for other reasonsIn your opinion, what is the best way to improve US health care? *Government provided universal healthcare for all (e.g. similar to Canada, France, Britain)Remove almost all government involvement and preferential tax codes that encourage employer based coverage, encourage Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), catastrophic health care coverage, and personal budget planningBasic government provided health care for those that truly can not afford it, encourage HSAs; some minimal regulation to prevent excessive insurance pricing/profitsBasic gov’t assistance provided care to the truly needy; government requires medium+ employers provide healthcare insurance; mandate other individuals obtain a minimum level of coverage (like we do with car insurance)Government affirmative action laws… *Were appropriate and necessary in the past to help level the playing field, but we can now start considering reducing/loosening someAre appropriate and necessary, and should be expanded in certain social areas and scenarios (e.g. race as a tie-breaking factor in college admittance)Are contrary to the concepts of individual liberty, private property, and equality under the law. They also have been and remain counter-productive towards the goal of a more tolerant/cohesive societyWhich statement best reflects your opinion regarding CEO salaries? *They are sometimes excessive, but the government should regulate CEO only in rare circumstances.They are a private, market matter and government should not regulate in any way.They are quite often very excessive, in a moderate number of cases they should be regulated by the gov’t.In your opinion, which of the following is the best method for reducing poverty and helping the needy? *Rely primarily on voluntary charity; supplement with minimal taxation to provide a temporary safety netRely heavily on taxing those who can afford to give a bit more, and giving to the truly needy whenever voluntary charity is insufficient to ensure a moderate safety netRely primarily on promoting free markets and loosening economic restrictions and regulations; supplement with voluntary charity (no assistance through taxation)Which statement best reflects your opinion on corporate and/or farm subsidies? *Both can be appropriate in certain cases if they benefit the general public in the long runNeither is appropriateCorporate is not appropriate, but farm subsidies may be necessary to save smaller farmersIncome Taxes… *Should be modified to either a flat tax (e.g. 10% on everyone’s income) or fair tax (e.g. consumption based; a x% retail tax after minimum necessary good exemption level exceeded)Should be kept similar to today where those that can afford to pay a higher %, do soShould be kept similar to today but those that can afford to pay a higher %, do so even moreShould be drastically reduced by 50% or more (along with the associated government programs) and not replaced as the spending level is the primary problemWhich statement best reflects your opinion of regulation in general? *It almost always causes more harm than good, and is manipulated by those with power and influence. Eliminate most all regulation and licensing requirementsIt should be reduced from today’s levels, but some level is necessary to prevent widespread abuse and/or market failures. Only minimal expansion required in a few areas at this timeIt should be expanded to help prevent various types of abuse of consumers and/or disaster for our economyInternational trade… *Should be completely free and open with essentially no government regulation (e.g. allow trade with nations that have poor labor/wages and/or environmental practices)Should be mostly free and open, with some government regulation to ensure a minimal standard on labor/wages, environmental protection,…etcShould be closely controlled by government regulation and trade agreements on both sides to ensure fairness in labor/wages, working conditions, environmental protection,…etcIn your opinion, government involvement to assist struggling companies/industries is… *Appropriate if they are too big to fail and their failure would significantly hurt our economy. The government should assist, but not take overInappropriate in every instance. Inefficiently run companies should be allowed to fail and the free market will bring in other optionsAppropriate if they are too big to fail and their failure would significantly hurt our economy. The government should assist, and take over certain elements of control as appropriateWhich statement best reflects your view on Social Security? *It needs to remain mandated, but reformed and not privatized to ensure it remains solvent and available to future generationsIt needs to remain mandated, but reformed and privatized, to ensure it remains solvent and available to future generationsIt needs to be made voluntary and privatizedWhich statement best reflects your opinion how to improve education? *Provide tax credits or voucher for parents and children to decide which school to attend (public, charter, religious…). Encourage more parental involvement. Move towards more private schools and less publicProvide vouchers for parents and children to decide which non-religious school to attend. Encourage more parental involvement. Ensure public school funding remains the same or increasedProvide additional public school funding to increase teacher pay, longer school years, buy better supplies, and smaller class sizes. Encourage more parental involvement. (no vouchers/tax credit for private schools)Which statement best reflects your view of the Minimum Wage? *It hurts the poor more than it helps as it prevents companies from hiring more. Eliminate any government set minimum wageIt is crucial to help the poor maintain a living wage and helps prevent exploitationSome government determined minimum wage is appropriate, but it must be kept low for small businesses to be able to afford itIn your opinion, when is it appropriate for government to seize private property? *In cases of true public use need, or where the public would benefit as a whole (e.g. private development that will bring more tax revenue) — and w/ proper compensationOnly in cases of true public use need (not for private development), and w/ proper compensation. Gov’t should also compensate when new regulation prevents the owner from utilizing as desired (e.g. clearing a forest for crops)Only in cases of true public use need (not for private development), and w/ proper compensation. Gov’t should NOT compensate when new regulation prevents the owner from utilizing as desiredNever. Government can try to increase compensation offer to persuade property transfer, but not apply eminent domain to forcibly seize propertyWhich statement best reflects your view of the global warming? *It remains uncertain whether any warming is human caused (vs. natural earth cycle); or that the effects would be catastrophic. No new laws/regulation are appropriate at this timeIt is highly likely that warming is caused by humans and will have a negative impact; new laws/regulation are appropriate but must be balanced with their economic impactIt is certain that humans are having a significant impact on our climate, and the effects will be very negative. Additional laws/regulation are appropriate nowWhich statement best reflects your view of the campaign finance laws limiting monetary contributions by individuals and businesses? *They have mostly achieved their goal and helped get corrupt money out of politics, no more laws are needed at this timeThey are a violation of the 1st Amendment and should be repealedAdditional laws are needed to stop excessive amounts of money from corrupting our democracyCaptcha * = WebsiteSubmit Answers